Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 1

Hello there, and welcome to the 'Day in the Life of Harris Parker'. Here you will be able to see how my pathetically boring life goes. In the next two entrys, I will be describing all my life before this date, and the official blog will start on Monday.

Now, where do I start?

I was born on the 15th April 199* in a beautiful town called ...

Nottingham. Woot, woot!!!

I lived in Nottingham for about 4 years (I think) and then we moved to Flitwick.

We lived here for about 4 years as well, and the moved to Cheltenham, where I still am to this date.

I have two brothers, one is 11, the other is 1. I also have a sister who is 9.

My mum is currently going through a divorce, so it is a pretty hard time for all of us in our house.

Anyway, I'm a very avid gamer, just like any teenage boy. I have a Xbox 360 and a Nintendo Wii.

I'm a mormon also, so if I don't post on a Sunday, you now know why. If you want to know more about this visit

So why am I doing this blog?

Mainly because I want to express my life to other teens, and get some feedback on my life and other people's life also.

So please leave some feedback, and I will be incredibly grateful.

If you want me to add anything else into these posts, like a podcast with all my friends in (I don't have many) please just say and I will try my best.

Hopefully many people will read this blog, so please tell your friends about it. At the moment I understand it probably is quite boring, but please forrgive me. I'm just trying to set the scene.

Thank you and come back soon and experience my life.

Thanks again

Harris Parker